Struggling with a clear vision of their future, yet knowing from the teachings of their Church that an education would be vital, five Solomon Islands students recently decided to pursue a different path and attend the Don Bosco Technical Institute, a technical, vocational and educational training (TVET) college in Henderson, Honiara.

To help them in their decision the students, who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, completed a comprehensive test to determine their interests.
Upon receiving the results two of the young men chose welding course work. The other three students enrolled in computer courses.
These are practical job-oriented courses. They consist of three terms of classroom/workshop training, with the final term working as an intern at a local company.
When Angela Hugill realized the opportunity ahead of her, she said, “Heavenly Father has definitely been listening to my prayers these last few days!”
Carlos Firusia, who is enrolled in the welding course, said, “I just love the idea that I will be able to make things to help my mother’s house be better.”
“This was an excellent choice for the students, according to David Nish, Welfare Services and Humanitarian Specialist for the Church in Solomon Islands. “The discipline is excellent and the students get a holistic education, basic theory, workshop training and plenty of support.”
The students are excited for this opportunity to go to college and learn life skills that will help them in their futures.
“It is too good to be true. My Father in Heaven is really blessing our family this year,” said Simeon Nargarosia.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encourages its members to be diligent in gaining knowledge. A pamphlet, ‘For the Strength of Youth’ written by Church leaders for young people, ages 12-18, provides wise counsel, “Education is an investment that brings great rewards and will open doors of opportunity that may otherwise be closed to you.”