Beauty with a Purpose is the theme for the 2016 Miss World New Zealand competition—something that comes naturally for one of the finalists, Ariel Pearse.
This coming Saturday evening, 4 June, the 2016 Miss World New Zealand pageant will take place in Auckland’s Sky Tower.
Ariel is one of 12 finalists, and one of two who are Maori, competing for the crown. After spending months preparing she is ready for the fun to begin.

Her journey hasn’t always been easy, but she says it has been exciting and fulfilling. And she hasn’t travelled it alone. Chief among her supporters are her family and friends from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
She was born in Auckland and then raised in Wellington for most of her youth. Her family later moved to Australia. Her grandmother still lives in Wellington.
“My family is still living in Brisbane. They are a huge support to me. My mum calls me every day. I get Facebook messages and photos from my siblings all the time. We are really, really close.”
Each finalist has her own talents and strengths, Ariel says. One of her own strengths, noticed by other contestants, is her calm confidence.
“Yesterday one said to me it must be comforting knowing that you have someone (referring to God) that is always supporting you. She was feeling stressed. She didn’t feel loved and supported. She felt like she was alone.
“I wasn’t sure why she said that to me, as I didn’t remember ever talking to her about it. Then I remembered months ago answering a question asked by a pageant presenter who was trying to get to know me.
“I answered his question honestly, talking about my faith and telling how I have a Father in Heaven who will always be there for me. She must have overheard.”
She adds, “The thing is, our Heavenly Father’s love can be felt by anyone. All you have to do is seek Him and try to follow Him.”
Part of Ariel’s beauty, according to friends, is her desire to share this belief with others who are interested.
About a year ago she returned from serving 18 months as a young missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Australia. Mormon missionaries serve full-time and are supported financially by themselves and their family.
Another part of her charm is her attitude of gratitude.
When asked to sum up her pageant experience so far, she says it has definitely been a growing experience. “I am really grateful for the things I have had the opportunity to do to improve myself,” she said.
“Being involved with the community and challenging myself to new things has been really exciting, and it’s helped me to have more of an appreciation of others.”
Ariel has lots of hobbies including playing guitar, singing, short film. “I love to write and learn new things,” she said.
She is looking ahead to the future with enthusiasm. She will continue earning her university bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship after her experience with the Miss World New Zealand is over. She has a business idea she is looking forward to pursuing.
After the pageant concludes this Saturday evening and the Miss World New Zealand is crowned and other awards are bestowed, she will know how soon she can get back to pursuing her academic, business and personal goals full time.