On Sunday, 29 May, new leaders were called to oversee the Pago Pago American Samoa West Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Presiding at the conference was Elder O. Vincent Haleck, First Counsellor in the Pacific Area Presidency of the Church.
President Adney Marion Reid was called to lead members of the stake in their efforts to receive spiritual and other blessings. President Reid will serve with two counsellors—Sagalala Leremia as first counsellor and Satyendra Anandan as second counsellor

A capacity congregation attended the conference. Congregations of the Church are organized geographically and members attend worship services near their home.
A stake is a Mormon term for a group of congregations in a geographical area, similar to a diocese in other Christian churches. The leader of a stake is called the stake president.
After the conference Elder Haleck thanked the former stake presidency for their faithful service over several years, and welcomed the new leaders.
"Service is one of the defining characteristics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," he said.
“Because we strive to follow Jesus Christ, we learn from a young age to serve others in our homes, schools, universities, work-places, neighbourhoods, villages and congregations. The Saviour went about doing good, and that is what our members try to do, in whatever capacity they are asked to serve."
Latter-day Saint men and women at the stake and ward (congregation) level volunteer in many leadership and other service capacities as part of their Church membership. Lay members of the Church serve as leaders, youth advisers, Sunday School teachers, organists, and in many other ways.