The Auckland New Zealand Manukau Stake Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was held June 24 - 25, 2017, with Elder David J. Thomson, Area Seventy, presiding. He encouraged Church members, saying, "Don't judge, that's not our job. Our job is to love and help each other no matter what. Look for ways to be diligent in our service in the (Lord's) Kingdom."
President Taulia, who conducted the conference, shared that the key message and what he would like those in attendance to remember is that "in our journey to becoming more like our Saviour, Jesus Christ, our life will be full of trials and challenges. However, ‘do not weary by the way, whatever be thy lot’. The Lord will continue to strengthen us through these trials through our faith in Him. ‘There awaits a brighter day to all, to all who weary not’.” (If the Way Be Full of Trial, Weary Not,” Deseret Sunday School Songs, 1909, no. 158).
Manukau leaders and guests shared some of their impressions and insights after attending the stake's recent semi-annual conference.
Watch this new video for their reflections on the recent Manukau stake conference.
A stake is a group of Latter-day Saint congregations in a geographical area. There are 13 LDS stakes in Auckland. Each stake holds two conferences each year for church members. On many occasions, government, interfaith and other community leaders also attend these conferences. The public is also welcome to attend.
Conferences include sermons from regional and local Church leaders as well as messages shared by members of the stake’s congregations. A choir often contributes and Church business is conducted as part of the conference.