New Zealand's Minister for Youth Affairs, and Minister for Social Development and Employment, the Honourable Paula Bennett, urged a group of Latter-day Saint young adults yesterday to prepare to lead in the future, and to lead now.
“We have a democracy. What a great country we live in," Ms Bennett said. "If we strive, achieve, and believe we can be great leaders. Why not you? You have been identified as leaders and have a responsibility to speak up for those around you. You are not just our future but our now.”
40 young members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints visited Parliament in Wellington New Zealand yesterday, part of a leadership forum.
The aim of the visit, according to organizer Anthony Wilson, is "to give some of our young people a chance to meet our nation's leaders, but even more importantly, to help the youth develop their vision and ability to become leaders in their homes, universities, workplaces, congregations and communities."
Member of Parliament for Mangere, Mr Su'a William Sio told the young people: "“We’re all ordinary people from different walks of life, serving our communities passionately to make a difference."
"You can serve in so many ways, whether it be on boards of trustees, citizens advice bureaus, law centres or other community organisations. Inject some of your own individuality. We need people with all sorts of backgrounds to get involved.”
- YSAs Visit New Zealand Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- Young Single Adults Visit Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- YSA New Zealand Parliament 2012
- Elder Pearson visits with MP
- YSAs Visit NZ Parliament
- Young Single Adults visit with MP
- Young Single Adults Visit Parliament
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