News Story

Australian Youth Learn How to Be Disciples of Christ


Over 800 youth from Victoria and Tasmania, Australia recently participated in an early-morning seminary class taught virtually by worldwide leaders Tamara Runia, First Counsellor in the Young Women General Presidency, and Brad Wilcox, First Counsellor in the Young Men General Presidency, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Seminary is a worldwide, four-year religious educational program for youth ages 14 through 18. It is open to teenagers of all faiths. In seminary, students and teachers meet each weekday during the school year to study scripture. In Australia, seminary starts at 6:00 a.m.

Teaching a lesson from 3 Nephi 1-5, from The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, the instructors spoke to the youth about a variety of topics that centred around the hope and joy that comes from choosing to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Tamara Runia said, “It was such a joy! We loved being with these incredible youth and leaders. They are the best!”

Brad Wilcox remarked, “It was such a highlight to be with those wonderful youth, even from half a world away. I felt like the Lord really blessed us so the youth would feel seen, connected, and loved.”

After the class, some of the students commented:

                “Our faith is in Jesus Christ, not in outcomes.  Don’t rely on what blessings come, love Jesus for the sake of building a relationship with Him.” Tayah G.

                “We pray to build a relationship with Heavenly Father, not to just ask for what we want. Pray for forgiveness, pray for help in hard times, pray to be able to accept God’s will.” Ata S.

                “Be mindful of the condition of our heart. We can choose to have a heart at war or a heart at peace. We can stand as a disciple of Jesus Christ.” Timmy Y.

                “Show strength through our faith in Christ, rather than fear. We can strengthen our foundation through prayer, if we are faithful and sincere, we will be blessed.” Bailey S.

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