Amidst a second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the faith and commitment of young members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in New South Wales to serve as full-time missionaries is increasing.

Sydney, Macarthur Stake, missionary preparation, companion study, young men
Youth of Macarthur Stake having 'companion study' as part of 'mini missions'© 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“There is a natural hesitation about serving in such difficult times, yet despite the COVID lockdowns, an increasing number of our youth are preparing to serve,” said Morgan Jones, president of Macarthur Australia Stake.
“Mission preparation class was attended by well over thirty youth and young adults and a great atmosphere was felt in the class. Ten young men and women have submitted their mission papers so far this year.”

Iosefa Faleali'i, Macarthur Stake President, Morgan Jones, and Sister Faleali'i, missionary,
Iosefa Faleali'i, Macarthur Stake President, Morgan Jones, and Kelli Faleali'i © 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Recently, Macarthur Stake held an activity at Cataract Dam for youth to experience a taste of life as a full-time missionary. “We were assigned companions, woke early, had a study period, and were instructed as if at the MTC (Missionary Training Centre),” recalled Iosefa Faleali’i, who has received his call to serve a mission to Perth, Australia.
Youth also enjoyed a scouting course, devotionals, and a gospel teaching opportunity, followed by an evening “fireside” devotional. The weekend activities emphasised the Macarthur Stake Theme for 2021 "We Are All Enlisted."
“I believe the spiritual experiences the youth and young single adults have at these activities are real and lasting,” said President Jones.

Lauren Fungavaka, missionary, Sydney, Macarthur stake
Lauren Fungavaka just received her call to serve © 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Sister Lauryn Fungavaka, who had just received her mini mission call, said it is her long-term plan to go on a mission. “Also it is the firesides, activities, having missionaries over for meals, participating in Church youth programs, praying on the questions I have and more recently, the zoom conferences and videos,” she said, adding, “I would encourage all youth to attend as many as possible.”
“In Macarthur Stake, we serve missions,” stated President Jones.