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Young Latter-day Saints Learn About Missionary Service

Group of Auckland teens spend weekend learning about what it’s like to be a Mormon missionary

Around 150 young members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Auckland’s northern suburbs took part in a missionary-themed youth conference recently.

The youth were assigned a “mission” such as Germany, the Philippines, Croatia or Australia.

Over the course of the weekend (25-27 September) the young people sampled cultures, languages and other characteristics of several countries.

They also learned about the day-to-day activities of Latter-day Saint missionaries.

An organising committee, comprising mostly youth with a handful of adult leaders, started planning and preparing for the conference several months ago.

Youth leader, Jo Donson, said, “Our young people are wonderful. They are curious and wanting to learn and do good. Our goal was for them to have experiences that would give them a taste of what missionaries do as they help individuals, families and communities around the world.”

There are around 85,000 Latter-day Saint missionaries currently serving worldwide. They teach interested people the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide service in the communities in which they live.

Read more about Latter-day Saint programs for youth.

Watch a video about the Church’s missionary program.

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