Dr. Raihei White volunteers as a leader for girls ages 11-18 years, in the Young Women organisation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She also plays the piano for her local Nu’uroa congregation.

Raihei White in the labratory2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Weekdays, she works in a laboratory as a phytopathologist—a specialist in the sciences of plants.
White was recently awarded a doctorate from the University of French Polynesia for her thesis, 'Polynesian plants for therapeutic and cosmetic use: search for anti-inflammatory, antitumor and anti-aging skin activities.'
White believes that science and God are in harmony. She remembers her first cell biology teacher explaining that researching small particles gives you a sense that there is a supreme being governing all life.
The doctorate journey took ten years of hard work, sacrifice, setbacks, and challenges.
During the COVID pandemic, White felt alone and concerned that she would not be able to complete the research work required.
White was able to persevere because of her faith in Jesus Christ.
"The Lord has always blessed me,” said White. “Without Jesus Christ in my life, I would not have had a good foundation to start and close the research project.
Raihei White with her family2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The scholar also turned to her family for support. “I am lucky to have parents who are the very definition of self-giving. My parents, my two sisters and my little brother have inspired me. They have helped me to the end."