After months of not being able to meet together due to the restrictions caused by COVID-19, the leaders of the women’s Relief Society organisation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Jandakot, Australia, pondered how they could help the women in their area feel unified whilst keeping within the “new normal” rules for socialising.

Samara Anderson, counsellor in the Relief Society presidency of the Jandakot Ward (congregation), was instrumental in organising four “hands-on” workshops, and women from the adjacent Thornlie Ward were invited.
Each workshop was designed to fill a need that the participants might be experiencing through these uncertain times.
"Most of the activities centered around the theme of Jesus Christ-- bringing peace into our lives, seeking purpose in a confused world and hope for the future,” explained Sue Noney, women’s leader.
“They definitely needed these activities as the Church had just come out of lockdown and they were thirsty for spiritual upliftment.”
The workshop, “Create a Legacy of Faith,” was based on an address by President Russell M. Nelson, titled, “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives.” The women participated in self-reflection and then recorded spiritual experiences for posterity.
Workshop facilitator, Thea Olney, said, “It was great to see each other in person again after many months of not being able do so. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to serve, and to provide them with some encouraging and uplifting writing activities to help them draw nearer to the Saviour.”
The activity concluded with some delicious refreshments provided by the Thornlie Ward Relief Society and everyone returned to their homes feeling nourished and uplifted in mind, body and soul and more united as women of faith in a “new normal.”
1General Conference, April 201