The Newsroom Blog

Tahitian Couple Serve in New Caledonia

‘This is our second mission, but it won’t be our last’

Napoleon and Elva Jean are serving in New Caledonia as a senior missionary couple for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. New Caledonia is part of the Port-Vila Vanuatu Mission.

They serve under the direction of President Paul W. Granger with his wife and companion, Gayle Granger. President Granger is the spiritual leader to the young missionaries and senior missionary couples who have volunteered their time and talents to serve in the Port-Vila, Vanuatu Mission.

Currently the Jean’s have three months left of an 18-month mission.

Elva is from the island of Huahine and Napoleon from the island of Rapa–both in French Polynesia. Their own home is in Faa’a, Tahiti.

Elva is a convert to the Church. She was baptized by Napoleon after their marriage.

The Jean’s have two living children and six grandchildren. One of their sons passed away nine years ago from a heart condition.


The couple’s first mission was served in Tahiti from 2012-2014.

“This is our second mission,” said Elva, “but it won’t be our last.”

After a short break and holiday with their family, they plan to sign up again to serve.

As the only senior couple in New Caledonia, they have many responsibilities. They manage the homes for the young missionaries, their vehicles and act as first-line medical assistance.

The Jean's also serve as office missionaries helping with transfers, finances and the paperwork necessary to keep the missionary work in New Caledonia running smoothly.

Elder Jean had no experience with the finances of a mission, but he was willing to learn to ease the burden of the mission president.

Some missionaries travel to other countries and some serve in their own communities, living in their own homes.

No matter where you are in this world, the need for senior couples to volunteer their time in missionary service is urgent. They provide knowledge learned from life experience, stability and wisdom in their approach to the work.

“We really could use many more couples to serve in New Caledonia,” said Napoleon. “If you have a desire to serve, the Lord will provide a way.”

Watch a short video on serving as a senior couple.


Mormons believe that we should answer the Lord’s call to serve. We can emulate the Lord’s example of serving, regardless of age, status or location.


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