Seminary is a four-year religious educational program for high school students. It is open to teenagers of all faiths.
Students spend an entire school year studying one book of scripture: Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon or Doctrine and Covenants. By the time a student graduates, he or she will have completed the study of all four books.

Daily classes are organized where students can meet together each weekday in the morning, afternoon or evening. The recommended length of the class is 50 minutes. Students are taught by a volunteer teacher from the local Church unit. Classes are generally held in either a local Church meetinghouse or a home.
Home-study classes are organized where students cannot meet each weekday because of distance or other factors. These students participate in daily religious instruction by attending one or more classes each week and by completing homework assignments each weekday that class is not held.
Students with disabilities may be assisted with alternative format materials and, in some locations, adapted needs classes.
Classes are taught by both full-time instructors and volunteers. There are approximately 350,000 seminary students worldwide.