On Saturday 11 September, from 11am to 3pm, the Eight Mile Plains Australia Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will hold a family fun day with a twist.
The community is invited to bring their families and learn about the joys, benefits, and wonders of discovering family connections while enjoying a free sausage sizzle at this no-cost event.

Queensland, Family History, Family Fun Day,
Family Fun Day Flyer© 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The objective of the family history event, according to Joel Hillier, communication director for the Church in Eight Mile Plains, is to get more people to discover family connections to the past as well as to “understand that capturing significant life moments each day is just as important.”
Guests will be introduced to family history technologies; tips on how to make family history documenting fun, engaging and routine; as well as eight interactive booths and presentations.
Guests can chat with vendors and browse displays and meet staff from the National Archives of Australia and Queensland State Archives.
Visitors can have a family portrait taken and participate in games and novelty races all at no cost.
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The event will be held at 370 Underwood Road, Eight Mile Plains, Queensland, 4113. Everyone is welcome.