News Story

Pre-loved Scriptures Gifted to Papua New Guinea Saints

“These are boxes of love, and many lives will change because of this donation…”

Families and youth members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Port Moresby and Daru congregations have been in great need for scriptures to use at home and during Church services and lessons.

In May of this year, Elder Taniela B. Wakolo, General Authority Seventy and a member of the Pacific Area Presidency, visited several congregations in Papua New Guinea (PNG).  While there, he noticed that many of the Church members did not have scriptures or the means to buy them. 

After returning to New Zealand, he asked if Church members in Auckland could assist with collecting pre-loved, good quality scriptures that could be donated to Church members in PNG.

Elder Jared V. Ormsby, Area Seventy, coordinated efforts with Auckland Church leaders and collected boxes of scriptures that would be donated to members in PNG. 

Scriptures to PNG Elder Wakolo Aug 2024
Scriptures to PNG Elder Wakolo Aug 2024
Elder Wakolo with pre-loved scriptures being shipped to saints in Papua New Guinea.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Elder Wakolo expressed his appreciation for the donated scriptures. 

He said, “This is a perfect example of following President Nelson’s invitation to minister to the one as a gift towards his 100th birthday. These are boxes of love, and many lives will change because of this donation to the saints in Papua New Guinea.”

He added, “These scriptures will be a resource for them to learn of Christ, first and forever, and to prepare them to go to the house of the Lord which is currently being constructed.”

Elder Ormsby said, “It has been a blessing for the youth and families of the Auckland stakes to be able to contribute and assist in this way with these scriptures that have been a blessing in their homes.”

The donated scriptures are expected to be delivered in the next few weeks.

Scriptures donated to PNG from Auckland stakes Aug 2024
Scriptures donated to PNG from Auckland stakes Aug 2024
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

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