Elder O. Vincent Haleck, president of the Pacific Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and his wife, Sister Peggy Haleck, bid farewell to employees and missionaries at the faith's Pacific Area Administration office on June 11.

During a special devotional in Auckland, the Halecks shared their feelings about their six years of service in the South Pacific.
Elder Ian S. Ardern, first counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency, spoke fondly of President Haleck.
He said Elder Haleck "ministered to the people," and "was a student of the word of God."
Elder Ardern shared some of things Elder Haleck achieved while being a member of the Pacific Area Presidency.
With a strong focus on health, Elder Haleck found two surgeons to volunteer in the Pacific area and some twenty missionary couples who have served mainly in Papua New Guinea.
He also helped countries and communities prepare for natural disasters by arranging to have shipping containers filled with emergency supplies in places prone to cyclones.
He oversaw the moving of an unused saw mill from Vanuatu to Tonga where cyclone damaged trees were used to build new homes.
"The Pacific Area is better because of President Haleck's leadership," Elder Ardern added.
Sister Haleck spoke about the power of gathering together to do good.
She recalled the recent Pacific tour of President Russell M. Nelson, worldwide leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Sister Haleck was impressed with President Nelson's encouragement to prepare for the Saviour's return.
Speaking of unity, Elder Haleck said: "In the Church we work together and we're better when we do. We are all ministers."
Of his travels with President Nelson, he said, "He has the voice of a prophet—gentle and quiet, a still small voice."
The Halecks will complete their service in July and will return to their home in American Samoa.