Members and guests of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Auckland's North Shore attended the Auckland New Zealand Harbour Stake Conference on 11 and 12 August.
A stake is a group of Latter-day Saint congregations in a geographical area. Members and guests of each of the Church's stakes around the world meet twice a year in similar conferences.

Elder Johnny L. Leota, Area Seventy, presided at the weekend's meetings. He spoke to attendees about ways to strengthen personal faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ, and help families and individuals improve their lives.
Other speakers at the conference included leaders in the stake: President Douglas Martin, President Guy Perrett and President Matthew Murray.
Subjects addressed included: standards taught in the resource for teenagers, "For the Strength of Youth," temple worship; and ways to share values and beliefs with others.
Among the guests at the Sunday morning session, held at the faith's Sunset Road stake centre, was Mr Dan Bidois, Member of Parliament for Northcote.
Mr Bidois said "groups like The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the heart and soul of the Northshore community and play an important role in strengthening the social and emotional well-being of our communities."