Port Vila man, James Tounguen, helped host Fiji government leaders and media representatives Thursday at the newly-renovated Suva Fiji Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
His participation was part of his responsibilities as the volunteer appointed by Church leaders to be director of public affairs for the Church in Vanuatu.
The Suva Fiji Temple is a special place of worship for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from several Pacific Island nations, including Vanuatu.
“The temple is the House of the Lord where we can feel the presence of Heavenly Father,” said Tounguen.
Temples are central to Mormon belief that everyone is a child of God, that marriage is ordained of God, and that earthly families can be united together for this life and for eternity.
“My wife and I know that we and our children can be together forever because of what we learn in the temple,” he said.
“Everyone is welcomed at worship services in our local meetinghouses. We have six in Vanuatu,” continued Tounguen. “Only Church members in good standing are admitted into a dedicated temple.”
When construction of a new temple—or in this case, the renovation of an existing temple is completed—dignitaries, media representatives and members of the public are invited to tour the interior and learn about temple worship before it is dedicated.
The Suva Fiji Temple has been closed for over a year while extensive renovations were undertaken.
Temple tours are open to the public from Monday, January 25, through Saturday, February 6, 2016, excluding Sunday, January 31.
After the public open house there will be a cultural celebration on Saturday 20 February, the day before the temple’s re-dedication on Sunday 21 February.
The temple was originally dedicated and opened in 2000.
There are 149 temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints world-wide, with14 others under construction.