Newspapers across Oceania are sharing information this week about television and radio broadcasts of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ October General Conference.
Information about how and when to watch in Samoa was published by the Samoa Observer.

Similar messages were shared in Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga newspapers. Members of the Church and others have been informed via web, video and social media messages about how to tune in.
The General Conference took place in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA last weekend (2-3 October), and many people watched live via the Internet.
Due to time zone differences and language translations being completed this week, the sessions of General Conference will also be televised in many countries of the Pacific Area this weekend (9-10 October).
"We are living in very challenging times, and we need, perhaps more than ever, God’s peace and guidance," said Richard Hunter, Pacific Area communication director for the Church.
"General Conference is a wonderful opportunity, twice a year, for members and friends of the Church to receive that peace and guidance, through the messages of inspired speakers, including modern-day prophets and apostles, and beautiful, sacred music."
Learn how to view, listen to or read General Conference at