Residents in the Kiribati village of Eita in South Tarawa have expressed gratitude for the gift of two new water tanks to their community. The tanks were donated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
"The donations consisted of two 2,000 litre tanks, some galvanized roofing sheets, timber, concrete, gutters and faucets," according to Mr Ataake Tekanene, Kiribati National Director of Public Affairs for the Church.
"It is important to note, however," he said, " that the labour for the project was provided by members of the community."
The Chairman of the community, Mr. Tabia Kabwaua, expressed gratitude to the Church for “its generosity and prudence.”
At a small ceremony to mark the completion of the project yesterday where the tanks are located, Mr Kabwaua also noted that this is an especially important addition to the community as villagers have previously relied on well water which "sometimes turns blackish due to the effect of the rising tides."
Local representatives of the Church and community leaders attended the opening ceremony, which was conducted yesterday [31 October 2012].
Radio Kiribati reported on the project and ceremony.
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