Yves Roger Perrin has accepted an assignment from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be president of the Papeete Tahiti Temple, succeeding President T. Marama Tarati. President Perrin’s wife, Kathleen Clayton Perrin, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Christiane M. Tarati.
Retired from the LDS Church Finance and Records Department, the newly called president was born in Rennes, France, to Roger Louis and Marguerite Marie Jamaux Perrin.
He served previously as Tahiti Papeete Mission president with his wife and companion, Kathleen Perrin. As a young adult, he served a mission for the Church in Tahiti. He went on to be the director of the Tahiti Church School.
The Perrin's will start their temple service in November 1, 2018.

Temples are considered holy by members of the Church—places where the Spirit of the Lord is always present. Those members who are faithful and keep the commandments can enter and enjoy a quiet refuge from the noisy distractions of the outside world.
Temples are places of learning where those who attend are taught about their place and purpose in Heavenly Father’s eternal plan.
Marriages performed in the temples are referred to as sealings as those who make these marriage covenants are “sealed” together, not just for this life but for all eternity.
Mormons believe that families are the basic unit in this life and in a life to come. In temples, families are sealed together forever.