Members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the South Pacific are preparing to take part in the faith's upcoming annual general conference.

Tens of thousands will attend the conference in Salt Lake City, United States with millions of others participating throughout the world via satellite and the Internet.
For Auckland woman, Carly, General Conference "is a time to teach our children about the importance and reality of modern day revelation and how blessed we are to have a prophet, apostles and general leaders who can remind us of the principles of the gospel we need to be focusing on as a family, and as individuals, to stay worthy of the blessings we receive daily from our Heavenly Father."
Andrea, also from Auckland, says General Conference is one of the highlights of her year.
"I have received many answers to prayer through the counsel given there and it always helps me feel closer to our Saviour. Viewing General Conference and then studying it regularly afterwards gives me great direction, peace and guidance, especially in my roles as wife, mother and grandmother," she said.
Faafetaiileatua, from Tonga, says she loves watching General Conference. "I always have questions ready before watching General Conference. I listen and watch if any of the speakers will answer those questions. I always find answers to my questions. I have experienced it and can’t wait for this coming General Conference."

Milika, from Fiji, says she and her family "always look forward to Conference because we come to learn and know more about what Heavenly Father wants us to know and to do so we can improve our relationships, not only with each other, but most of all, our relationships with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
"We also look forward to the special spirit that we feel when we sustain His Prophet, President Thomas S.Monson, and all the Lord's anointed servants."
Ernest, also from Fiji, says, "General Conference to me means a time to receive specific counsel from the Lord through His living Prophets and leaders on how I should live my life and lead my family for the next six months."
Fellow Fiji Latter-day Saint, Gerald, says General Conference "renews us with inspiring messages for another six months until another takes place. I feel blessed to be part of this event. It helps me better understand the gospel and builds my testimony and faith. I encourage all of us to be part of General Conference viewing."

The conference sessions will be held on 26 March and 2-3 April (US Mountain Daylight Time).
People in the Pacific Area wll have the option to watch a live stream, if available where they live, or view the proceedings a week later in a Latter-day Saint meetinghouse (9-10 April).

Read more about how to view, listen to or read the general conference proceedings.
Watch highlights from previous general conferences: