Sister Arizana Peaua and Sister Vaikakala Tai are missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints serving in the Kingdom of Tonga.
Both women are serving for 18 months as volunteers, away from home, family, and friends.
Their service is focused on teaching the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, but they also help others in different ways, such as by gardening and giving other family and community service.
Next week, hundreds of government leaders and officials from across the South Pacific will be in Tonga for the annual Pacific Islands Forum.
Sisters Peaua and Tai are among a group of missionaries who have been asked to provide transportation for the visiting heads of government and other dignitaries.

Sister Arizana Peaua and Sister Vaikakala Tai are missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They and other missionaries are looking forward to supporting Pacific Islands Forum leaders when they are in the Kingdom of Tonga from 26-30 August 2024. Their service will include picking up government officials and driving them to their various meetings throughout the week.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Normally, Latter-day Saint missionaries and Church mission vehicles are not used for this sort of service, but the need was identified and Tonga Mission Leaders, President Richard Kaufusi and Sister Ofa Kaufusi, were supportive of the missionaries lending a hand.
Special approval was given through the Pacific Area Presidency by the Church's Missionary Department for missionaries and vehicles in Tonga to be involved in this one-off event.
Sister Peaua and Sister Tai say they are grateful to serve the government leaders as drivers during the Forum week and have been preparing for their special roles.