Uputaua Sauvao and Kelsea Randell, both from Melbourne, Australia, are serving 18 months missions with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
They have temporarily put on hold their education, dating and other personal interests to serve the people of Fiji.

As is the case with all Mormon missionaries, they serve two by two, teaching interested persons about their beliefs and providing community service wherever they are assigned to go.
Sister Sauvao and Sister Randell (which is how female missionaries are addressed) have been assigned to serve the people in the Fijian city of Labasa.
Recently they shared some of their experiences and insights about their missionary service, in particular what they are learning as they serve.
“I have learnt to be more independent, appreciate the Book of Mormon and the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Sister Sauvao said.
Sister Randell says she has learnt to put more trust in the Lord, "because it’s impossible to do His work on your own.”
Looking ahead, Sister Randell says she wants to give her best for the rest of her mission.
When she finishes her service and heads home to Australia, Sister Sauvao says she wants to "maintain the same spirituality [she] gained on her mission."
Watch a short video about Latter-day Saint women serving as missionaries throughout the world.