A senior gentleman in Mt Roskill is unable to cut his grass at the moment due to health challenges, so when a handful of neighbours and friends found out, they quickly organised themselves and their gear, and got the job done.

Volunteers help a senior citizen in Auckland, New Zealand.
Volunteers help a senior citizen in Auckland, New Zealand.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.The way they learned about the need was through JustServe.org, a website and app that connects community service projects with volunteers.
According to project organiser, Colin Vowles, they had more volunteers than they needed. “Don’t worry,” he told them, “there will be more projects coming up!”
Vowles said that “many hands made light and easy work,” and that all those who participated were “blessed.”
JustServe has been operating in the US, the UK, Australia, and a few other countries for some years, but has only been available in New Zealand this year.
The site and app are maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but anyone can use the service to post community projects and to discover opportunities to help others around them.