
LDS Family Services

LDS Family Services is a private, nonprofit organization established by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to strengthen individuals and families. It provides the following services:

  • Individual, marital and family counseling.
  • Birth Parent Services. Family Services provides pregnancy counselling to prospective birth parents and other family members. Counselling services may focus on providing education about options available, helping clients through the decision-making process, identifying other needed resources and connecting clients with such resources. The kind of help provided depends upon the needs and wishes of parties involved. If we cannot directly help birth parents due to geographical distance, staff can help refer clients to local services and/or provide limited services by telephone or internet. Birth parents may be referred by their ecclesiastical leader or may approach any of the offices directly for help. Confidentiality is strictly observed.
  • Adoption Services. Family Services can help prospective adoptive couples and birth parents by referring them to appropriate agencies within the community. Those who have received adoption services from Family Services in the past, may contact the office to be directed to the appropriate service. As indicated above, pregnancy counselling is still offered by the office.
  • Addiction recovery program. This is a 12-step program that provides help for dealing with addictions involving substances (such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, coffee and tea), gambling, pornography, inappropriate sexual behavior, codependency and disorders associated with eating.
  • Consultation with Church leaders. LDS Family Services is available to assist Church leaders as they work with members of their congregations who are dealing with social or emotional challenges.

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