Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout Australia have been responding to an invitation from the Church’s Pacific Area Presidency to identify community needs, organize, and then do something to make a positive impact.

Recently, volunteers of all ages from the Windaroo Ward (congregation) in Queensland, armed with rakes, shovels, mowers and wheelbarrows, began transforming yards and gardens in their community.
Homeowner, Hannah Willis, said, “The service was a much-needed relief. After we became a single-parent household, yard work fell to the wayside. I am very grateful for the time and effort of people I hardly know, to take time out of their schedules to come and help out.”
One volunteer, Ryan Orth, said, “This was a sight to see, everyone out serving with their [fellow Church members] brothers and sisters, so willing to serve.”
Reflecting on his feelings after serving others, Orth said, “It was a day I would love to have over and over again.”
Latter-day Saint leader, John A. McCune, of the Seventy, in the Church’s April General Conference, said, “I am reminded of the scripture verse that has become our beloved hymn ‘Love One Another,’ which teaches us, ‘By this shall … men know … ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another,” (John 13:35).