News Story

Kiribati ‘Gospel Day’ Unites Churches and the Nation

On the Kiribati island of Tarawa, an estimated 5,000 people gathered this week at Santo Iotebwa maneaba (Catholic meeting hall) to celebrate “Gospel Day,” a national holiday focused on the 2023 theme, “A prosperous nation through good governance and faith in God.”

Held on Monday, 10 July 2023, it was the first time in the country’s history that Gospel Day was declared a public holiday by the government.

The interfaith event was organised by leaders from the many faiths in Kiribati and in collaboration with the Ministry of Women, Youth, Sport, and Social Affairs.

Elder Iotua Tune, Pacific Area Seventy for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke at the inaugural event and was also part of the organising committee.

A choir of more than 300 youth and adult members of the Church sang “Tamara are I Karawa” (Father in Heaven), immediately following Elder Tune’s talk.

Honoured guests were the President of Kiribati, His Excellency President Taneti Mamau, and the First Lady, Madam Teiraeng Mamau.

Her Excellency Ms. Karen Bray, Australian High Commissioner to Kiribati, and His Excellency Mr. André van der Walt, New Zealand High Commissioner to Kiribati, also attended.

Other guests included: Dr Tinte Itinteang, Minister for Health; Honourable Martin Moreti, Minister for Women, Youth, Sport and Social Affairs; Dr Naomi Biribo, Chief Secretary to Cabinets; and Acting Chief Justice Tetiro Semilota; Mayor Baramiko Baaro, Teinainano Town Council; and Mayor Botika Maitinnara, Betio Town Council.

Gospel Day has traditionally been a Christian celebration.

This year, participants included leaders and members from the Catholic Church, Kiribati Uniting Church, Kiribati Protestant Church, Seventh-day Adventist Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, All Nations Church, Kiribati Church of God of Prophesy, Baha’i, and Sunni Muslim.

The programme included intercession prayers for government, for churches, for youth, for world peace and the people. There was congregational and choral singing, and sermons were given by selected faith leaders.

Elder Tune spoke about our freedom to choose and the responsibility each person has to make choices that will bless future generations.

“We are all children of a loving Father in Heaven and He has given each one of us a gift to make choices of our own free will,” said Elder Tune.

From the ‘Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ,' Elder Tune shared an account of Adam and Eve choosing to eat the fruit that gave them a knowledge of good and evil, and the impact that their choice has upon people today.

Elder Tune taught that one of the consequences of Adam’s choice was that he had to work. “We enjoy the blessing of work because it brings success for us and our nation,” he said.

Elder Tune expressed the importance of making right choices. “If we want to receive the blessings of peace, happiness and prosperity we need to make the right choice. We need to choose Jesus Christ, because He is the way to eternal life (John 17:3) and joy”

Pastor Enoka Reete, Kiribati Protestant Church spoke on the “welfare of the nation” with reference to Psalm 85:8-13 from the Holy Bible.

Reverend Tateti Tauma, the Moderator of Kiribati Uniting Church, spoke about good governance. He shared a Biblical example of “the Israelites [being] brought out of bondage from Egypt to the promised land Canaan through good governance.”

Father Iona Tatau, Vicar General of the Roman Catholic Church, said, “We all must trust God with our lives because we are created by Him. God is true love. He loves us equally. He invites people to avoid contentions one with another. He invites us to love one another. We need to know God better, love Him and show our love for all of His creations.”

His Excellency President Taneti Mamau concluded the proceedings by thanking the faith leaders in the country for being united in organising Gospel Day.

He acknowledged the “efforts of the churches to come together despite their differences to work towards being one nation and one people as I-Kiribati.”

President Taneti Mamau prayed for a blessing of health, peace, and prosperity upon the nation.

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