News Story

Interfaith Council Prays for World Peace

On Sunday, September 8 2024, members of the Queensland, Australia Faith Community Council (QFCC) gathered for a Pray for Peace vigil at the Griffith University Multi-Faith Centre.

The purpose of the meeting was to allow representatives from eleven different religions to share a scripture and prayer from their own faith towards those being impacted by the wars in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

In her opening remarks, Gail Paratz from the QFCC, commented, “We hope the uniqueness of this event and the message of peace and love will be felt by those we are praying for.”

Puzzle pieces containing religious symbols were placed on a dove of peace.

A painting of a dove of peace was on display and used as a visual aid throughout the service.  At the completion of each representative’s prayer, they were given a puzzle piece containing their religion’s symbol to place upon the breast of the dove.  When all pieces of the puzzle were joined together it symbolized people of faith believing together and protecting peace.

Brendon Orth, Queensland Communication Director for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said of his experience, “A spirit of reverence could be felt as each denomination offered their prayer.  Talking about our faith should not be something to be afraid of, as we share many things in common with those of other faiths, and much can be gained by working together on good causes.”

Gail Paratz concluded the vigil by stating, “How wonderful it would be if multi-faith groups, like this, could come together around the world providing a focus on faith and peace.  May we continue to love and work together in our different faiths for a better outcome for all mankind.”

Approximately eighty people attended the vigil. The following religions were in attendance: Baha’i, Sunni Muslim, Hindu ISKON, Anglican, Peagan Hearth, Jewish, Amadayn Muslim,  Catholic, Hindu, Sufi, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.