Members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, watching General Conference in Kiribati in their own language, are blessed by intense and coordinated efforts in translation, interpretation, and distribution.

Kiribati saints gather to listen to conference messages in their language2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Elder Iotua B. Tune, Area Seventy (regional leader) for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said, “In Kiribati we do our own translation of General Conference talks, recording live General Conference sessions and then working on the interpretation during the week before distribution to all stakes and districts.” Stakes and districts are groups of congregations.
“This has always been an intense and enormous undertaking for our translation and interpretation team which requires a lot of spiritual, physical and mental preparations," Elder Tune continued.
“It also requires good planning, coordination, and unity amongst our local Church departments to support our team so that the product is ready for distribution on time and in the quality that is pleasing to the Lord.”
Biromina Toromon, Kiribati Translation Supervisor, shared, “For the first time, our team has been able to complete the recording of General Conference in Kiribati language in three days instead of five days which has been the pattern in previous years.”
“This has been a very successful undertaking for our team, and we acknowledge God’s hands in this sacred work. I am sure our leaders and members will be pleased to receive the conference messages in a timely manner.”
Kiribati Church members were pleased and shared messages of thanks for having access to the messages from prophets, apostles, and other Church leaders.

The Tekanene family watches General Conference in Kiribati2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Temwake Kuraotio, a Church member from North Tarawa, said, “The recording is great and very clear to me.”
He said he learned much as he listened to the messages, “But one thing that made me happier was the miracle that happened during the conference. I realized that every question that I prayerfully prepared to find answers to, had been answered through the talks. I now commit myself, that everything that I have learned during conference will be my first action now, so that I may obtain all blessings.”
Another Church member, Ioram Uakitera, wrote, “This past weekend has been an incredible weekend for me and my family to be spiritually instructed and nourished by inspired messages from our leaders.
“One of the messages we learned is from President Russell M. Nelson’s concluding remarks, ‘Make Time for the Lord.’ This is indeed a powerful reminder for us to always make time for the Lord in everything we do. Involving the Lord in our daily pursuits will help us draw closer to Him and to receive His promised blessings of peace and joy in this life and in the life to come.”

Baangao Kabwea, a branch president (local leader) of the Abatao Branch, a small congregation in a remote area in North Tarawa, said, “My family and I have been blessed to receive many wonderful counsels from living prophets and apostles last weekend.
"President Nelson counselled us to make time for the Lord each day. He said that if we do that, the Lord will provide guidance for us. We are determined to follow that counsel.”