Zoe Sasulu says the Gospel of Jesus Christ is her "motherhood guide."
She and her family live in Samoa in the South Pacific.

Sasulu family
The Sasulu family of Samoa.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved."I am so thankful to have my Saviour as my guide and to be able to follow promptings of the Holy Ghost to help me through my motherhood journey," she says.
"I am certainly not always a perfect mum nor ever will be, but I do my best and I am motivated by my eternal perspective. I hope my children feel and learn for themselves, the strength the teachings of Jesus Christ can bring into their lives. I feel a great sense of responsibility to nurture my children, help them to have a sense of their worth and make good decisions as they journey through this life and the crossroads they will take."
Zoe is grateful for her own mother. "She is a great example to me of serving and showing love."
15-year-old son Zach says his mother "is very caring and always puts the Church and us kids before any other responsibilities. She makes the best food and keeps us healthy and strong. She has a strong knowledge of the gospel teachings, and teaches us those principles. My mum has done a lot for me, and even though I am not always the best son, I know that my mum will always love my brothers and sisters and I."
"I love the Gospel," Zoe concludes. "It is the core of my life and I strive to keep my covenants as I know this is the only way I will be able to survive the ups and downs I will face through my motherhood journey."
Today is Mother's Day in many parts of the South Pacific. Read what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe about mothers here.
Watch a video titled, "You are enough."