Recently, government and faith leaders in Dianella, a suburb of Perth, in Western Australia, were hosted at an informal breakfast and “meet and greet’ with local Church leaders prior to attending the stake conference of the Perth Australia Dianella Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A stake is a group of congregations.
- L-to-R-Davidson-Joseph,-Stake-Patriarch;-Fiona-Maile,-Communication-Director-for-WA;-Michael-and-Sharon-Stone,-Perth-Australia-Mission-leaders;-Ryan-Jenkins,-Perth-Australia-Dianella-Stake-president;-Elder-Paul-Lekias,-Pacific-Area-Seventy;-Dr-Anne-Aly-MP,-Federal-Member-for-Cowan,-and-Mr-David-Allen;-Eril-and-Harvey-Scott,-Perth-Australia-Temple-matron-and-president;-Rabbi-Dovid-Freilich,-Emeritus-Chief-Rabbi,-Perth-Hebrew-Congregation;-and-David-Warren,-Manager-Human-Resources-Food-Bank,-WA
- Left-to-right-Fiona-Maile-(Director-Communications-Western-Australia)-and-Dr-Anne-Aly-MP-(Federal-Member-for-Cowan)
- Left-to-right-President-Harvey-Scott-(President-Perth-Australia-Temple),-Sister-Sharon-Stone-(Perth-Australia-Mission),-Elder-Paul-Lekias-(Pacific-Area-Seventy),-Rabbi-Dovid-Freilich-(Emeritus-Chief-Rabbi,-Perth-Hebrew-Congregation),-Interfaith,-
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
“I could not help but be moved by the sincere declaration of faith by the leadership of your church,” said Dr Anne Aly, MP Federal Member for Cowan, after the Sunday conference session.
Dr Aly, who is of the Islamic faith, was joined by Rabbi Dovid Freilich, Emeritus Chief Rabbi of Perth Hebrew Congregation, and Mr David Warren, Manager, Human Resources Food Bank, Western Australia.
Dr Aly added, “We are grateful for your hospitality and appreciate the respect and kindness shown to us by members of your congregation.”
Elder Paul Lekias, Area Seventy (regional leader), spoke on the relationship between resilience and adversity, and the role of faith in allowing God to prevail in our lives.
Amongst others who addressed the gathering of more than 500, were Ryan Jenkins, president of the Perth Australia Dianella Stake, Michael and Sharon Stone, mission leaders for the Perth Australia Mission, and Harvey Scott, president of the Perth Australia Temple.
This conference also heralded the launch of the stake’s 2021 Food Bank Australia Appeal. Member donations of non-perishable staple foods will be made available to individuals and families enduring difficult times. This is the tenth year that the Dianella Stake has been involved in the Food Bank appeal.