News Release

From Tasmania to the Temple

Melbourne Temple
Melbourne Temple
The Melbourne Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

What would compel one woman to board a plane once a month to attend a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? And why are temples so important to Latter-day Saints? Robyn Smith, of Hobart Tasmania, could tell you.

Her love for the temple began as a young child. Robyn’s parents joined the Church in Tasmania in 1959 and took on extra jobs to raise money to take their family to the nearest House of the Lord at the time, the Hamilton New Zealand Temple.  

“Mum found part-time work at a Chinese restaurant; Dad did paper runs in the morning before work,” Robyn recalls.   

By January 1963, the family ventured to New Zealand to be sealed as a family.  

Latter-day Saints believe that families can be together for eternity

Through the years, Robyn watched her parents consecrate their time, talents and means to the Lord through their dedication to family, church, and community. 

Fast forward to a couple years ago. After 46 years of marriage, Robyn’s husband died the day he was to be baptised  a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

Robyn made a commitment to herself and her Heavenly Father that she would help her husband receive his ordinances vicariously so that they could be together forever. In March 2022, the two were sealed for eternity. 

Robin Smith of Tasmania flies to Melbourne each month to attend the temple© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

“I enjoy the peace and sense of ‘home’ I experience while in the temple,” she says. “I need the blessings we have been promised, the power that comes from the covenants made, the protection I receive as I try to live worthy to attend. I’m blessed with the ability to remember the words of the covenants as I leave the temple and live my life each day.” 

“This is one way I show my gratitude to Heavenly Father and the Saviour for the opportunity my life circumstances have afforded me to attend the temple.”

Has this been a financial strain or difficult at times for Robyn to press on with her goal?  

She says, “Once I made the decision and then changed my work schedule to ensure I could make my attending a reality, I was prompted to find ways to make it work without causing financial difficulty. I certainly keep an eye on flight specials and book well in advance. I have been blessed with a monthly additional income source that funds my trips. If I stay more than a day, I have friends and family that I stay with and I am looking at purchasing a car to leave in Victoria so I do not need to hire one or use public transport.” 

Sometimes it’s difficult to be at the airport by 6:00 am every fourth Thursday, but Robyn doesn’t feel that she is making any sacrifice to do this.

The hour drive from the Melbourne airport to the temple requires her to get out of her comfort zone in talking to strangers. Conversation with the driver usually gets to the topic of what she is doing and why. This leads to opportunities to share her faith.  

By the end of the year, Robyn hopes to stay in Melbourne for a couple of days at a time and perhaps serve in the temple as an ordinance worker.

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