News Story

Five Couples from South Pacific Among New Mission Leaders for the Church

Five South Pacific couples will lead missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints starting in July.

Paul and Andrea Bennallack, from Adelaide, Australia (currently based in Auckland, New Zealand), will serve for three years in the Perth Australia Mission.

Stephen and Rosely Webster, from Sydney, Australia have been asked to serve in the Ghana Kumasi Mission.


Andrew and Helen O’Riordan, from Melbourne, Australia will serve in the Provo Utah Mission.

Stephen and Cindy Keung from Auckland, New Zealand have been called to serve in the Canada Calgary Mission.

Finau and Lucy Hafoka, originally from Tonga but currently residing in Hawaii, will serve in the Papua New Guinea Port Moresby Mission. 

Read more about the new mission president assignments here.

Mission presidents and their companions oversee the service of approximately 200 young and senior missionaries in their respective missions. They provide leadership, mentoring and guidance to the missionary volunteers who sacrifice 18 to 24 months of their lives in their service to God and their fellowman.

Missionaries teach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and provide regular community service in the areas in which they are asked to serve.

They serve without pay and are self-funded or financially supported by parents and others.

After their missions they return home to pursue educational and career opportunities, and many marry and start a family.


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