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FamilySearch Resources Shared at Auckland Family History Expo 2024

Auckland Council Libraries hosted the 10th annual Family History Expo at the Fickling Convention Center, 9-11 August 2024. 

FamilySearch managers and volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shared tools and resources that anyone can use to create family histories and learn more about family ancestors.

Paul R. Bennallack, manages support and operations for FamilySearch International throughout the Asia Pacific region.  He presented an overview of how FamilySearch is using artificial intelligence (AI) to index records that have previously been digitised.

Fam Hist Expo Bennallack Aug 2024
Fam Hist Expo Bennallack Aug 2024
Paul R. Bennallack of Family Search shares new technology about Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Auckland Family History Expo 2024.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

He explained the manual process of indexing archived records by volunteers and said, “Given the amount of work required to enter this information it was impossible to keep up with the new information coming from archives.  Each year the backlog grows, and we were adding a backlog of twenty years of work every year.”

Eight years ago, FamilySearch technologists started developing computer aided handwriting recognition using AI.  Now records are searchable almost instantly. 

As of April this year, a new app, ‘Get Involved’, is now available in New Zealand and Australia to validate the computer-generated data.  Bennallack encouraged volunteers to use the app and assist with the validation effort. 

Also presenting at the Expo was Thomas Nelson from FamilySearch in Salt Lake City who provides Content Strategy to the Pacific.  He discussed the resources offered to collaborative partners since 1894.  He explained that FamilySearch works in cooperation with over 10,000 archives across the world including organizations in New Zealand.

He invited attendees to consider using the online resources of FamilySearch’s RootsTech where over 1,500 courses are available on a variety of topics.  He said, “This is one of the best ways to learn how to use the features of FamilySearch.”

Fam Hist Expo Nelson NZ archives Aug 2024
Fam Hist Expo Nelson NZ archives Aug 2024
Thomas Nelson of FamilySearch shares archival information at the Auckland Family History Expo 2024.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

He also shared about a visit to archives in the African country of Cameroon.  Street artists outside of the national archives illustrated what the archives mean to them.  

Fam Hist Expo Camaroon street art Aug 2024
Fam Hist Expo Camaroon street art Aug 2024
Street Art at the National Archives in Cameroon. Translation: The archives are us; They are our lives: They are our history; They are our future © 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ offered assistance to Expo attendees on how to use the tools in the FamilySearch website and mobile app

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.