"A genealogy centre at a Timaru church is a gem in the community where you can trace your lineage back generations, its backers say."
The Timaru Herald recently interviewed volunteers providing free genealogical advice at the town's family history centre.
The newspaper's report continues: "The Family History Centre at the Latter-day Saints Church on Pages Road has access to a vast, global database that is free for the public to use."
"Trained genealogists volunteer their time at the centre assisting people inquiring about their family history."
"The Church [of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] holds records dating back centuries, tracing family lines from around the world, including New Zealand."
Read the full article in The Timaru Herald.
Read why many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are interested in genealogy.
Watch a video about how to begin tracing your family tree.
Go to the Church's FamilySearch.org website.