News Release

Faith in God and His Plan Helps Couple Through Ordeal

The New Zealand Herald reported on the 2 October 2023, that Karain Eketone, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is recovering at home in Hamilton, after his skull was severely injured by a boat’s propellor as he was snorkeling in Fiji.

Eketone was celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife Susan, when the accident occurred.  
She told the Herald that her husband is “in good spirits, still making jokes, and she was focusing on what she called the positive circumstances of the incident.”

“Our faith is such a big part of our life, and it has been the reason why I’ve been able to kind of just let things happen ̶̶ trusting whatever happens and knowing it’s part of [God’s] plan,” Susan said.

One positive circumstance is the surgeons detected a cancerous tumour, which is usually undetectable until stage 4.

Prior to the accident, Eketone posted on his Facebook account, "There is no greater joy that Susan and I have experienced than being together with our children and moko's (grandchildren). I'm grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who through his Son Jesus Christ, provides a way for our families to be united eternally through making and keeping sacred covenants in holy temples, and enduring faithfully to the end. This is our why!"

Read The New Zealand Herald story here.

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