Samuel Flores has always dreamed of owning his own business.
And he knew that it would take both temporal and spiritual preparation, as well as faith, action and perseverance, to fulfill his dream.
His first steps included taking online entrepreneurship courses through the CCISM Polynésie Française (Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Services and Trades), which helped him formulate his business plan and complete the required paperwork to launch a business.
“This was for the temporal part of my plan,” he said.
Those first steps also include going to the Self Reliance Centre operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Papeete, Tahiti, where he said he was “warmly welcomed” by the staff.
“And this was the spiritual part of the plan,” he explained.
He participated in two Self Reliance Groups at the Papeete centre, which is one of many similar centres available world-wide to the general public to help individuals develop the skills and habits necessary to spiritually and temporally provide for themselves and their families.
The first group, “My Pathway Toward Self Reliance,” taught him basic principles of spiritual self reliance including the importance of having faith in Jesus Christ and living according to his teachings. He also learned, basic principles of personal financial management, how to asses his personal level of self reliance, and how to determine what type of work would be best for him.
The second group, “Starting and Growing My Business,” focused on how launch and manage a new business.
“The programs helped me use the Holy Spirit to research ideas for business project,” he said. “I had no idea what kind of project to do at the beginning. I asked my Heavenly Father what activity he would like me to pursue.”

He said the inspiration for his current business, a snack and ice cream shop located at one of Tahiti’s most popular beaches, came while following the self reliance courses.
He then went to the local government for financial assistance to start the business. Thanks to his participation in the self reliance groups, he had a complete and well conceived business plan.
And then he waited patiently.
A year and a half after filing his application, he received a call informing him, that out of 300 business plan applications, his was one of only 15 that would receive financial support and a location assignment under the direction of the Ministry of Tourism.
“To my pleasant surprise, I had the wonderful blessing to be located at PK 18,” he said. “I know that the Savior lead and guided me here and now you can see the results of my work.”
And the results of his faith, action, and perseverance.