"Happily married couples do some specific types of things to keep their marriages vibrant and meaningful for both partners," according to Douglas Brinley in an article in the January edition of The Ensign titled: 'What happily married couples do."
One of Brinley’s ten suggestions is to date frequently. “You and your spouse need time together to renew your relationship,” he writes. “New perspectives come with time away from the mundane. That means dating is essential.”
Holly, a mother of three from Australia, asks herself, then answers the question: “Can you have a testimony of date night? I definitely do!”
She continues: “ When my husband and I make time to be with each other out of the ordinary routine, wonderful things can happen. I feel like it refreshes our marriage and injects greater harmony into our family. It's been a time when concerns have been resolved and tender feelings soothed. It's a great time to remember all the special things you love about your spouse without interruption.”
Ataake, from the Pacific island of Kiribati, says Brinley’s article is “excellent!”
“At times I have had problems in my relationship with my wife because I have not been living or practicing some of those tips mentioned in the article,” he said.
“Our relationship often went sour,” he says, “because we had not practiced some of those tips.”
“I wish we were aware of those things when we first got married. Now as I have learned about them I am trying to practice them always, and furthermore, I will share them with my family and others who may be having challenges from time to time.”
Read more about Latter-day Saints’ beliefs about marriage here.