News Story

Elder Wakolo Invites Savai’i Youth and Young Adults to ‘Stay on the Covenant Path'

Elder Taniela B. Wakolo of the Seventy, and a member of the Pacific Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, met with over one thousand youth and young adults in Savai’i, Samoa recently.

He was accompanied by his wife, Sister Anita Wakolo. Both Elder and Sister Wakolo spoke during the devotional.

Elder Sapele Fa’alogo, Area Seventy, and several local Church and school leaders were also in attendance.

Elder Wakolo told the young people that we all have “a loving Heavenly Father who loves us and is willing to help us.”

He also taught the importance of making the choice to stay on the covenant path by living the gospel of Jesus Christ, praying, searching the scriptures, partaking of the sacrament, worshipping in the House of the Lord, and faithfully obeying the commandments of God.

After the devotional, Vaiola Church College Principal, Taleni Tufuga, said, “My 12-year-old son Clayton is a deacon, and that was his first time to attend a mass devotional, with a General Authority Seventy, in person. He was thrilled with the experience to meet other youth his age, but he was more excited to meet and shake hands with the leaders.”

The Wakolos with Tufugas Savaii Samoa June 2023
The Wakolos with Tufugas Savaii Samoa June 2023
Left to right: Elder Taniela B. Wakolo; Clayton Tufuga; Taleni Tufuga; Sister Anita Wakolo. Savai'i, Samoa, 25 June 2023.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Principal Tufuga continued, “During our family council that evening, Clayton was given the opportunity to share what he learned from the devotional. This morning I asked him again to remind me of lessons he learned, and what he'll do to follow those promptings.

“He remembered the counsel about the importance of knowing for himself that God exists, and finding truth by seeking it out from the right sources.”

The 12-year-old then then shared with his family Elder Wakolo’s message about keeping on the covenant path.

His father says that Clayton “remembered the demonstration, and he vividly recalled when one broke away from the covenant path and the effects of one's decision to the following generations. He then said, ‘my decision to do the right will bless me and others, and in contrast, if I do not keep my covenants, it will not only affect me but it's impact could last for generations unless true repentance occurs.’"

20-year-old attendee, Katherine Matuauto, said, “It was such a wonderful reminder for youths and young single adults to always stay on the covenant path as it will benefit not only ourselves individually but our families and future generations.”

Attendees at a youth and young adult devotional in Savai'i, Samoa on 25 June 2023.
Attendees at a youth and young adult devotional in Savai'i, Samoa on 25 June 2023.
Attendees at a youth and young adult devotional in Savai'i, Samoa on 25 June 2023.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

She added, “Jesus Christ should always be our focus, for without Him, there is no covenant path. Staying on the covenant path relies on our spiritual strength that will keep us going, hastening the Lord’s work.”

Elder Fa’alogo shared an inspiring experience about his daughter who at one point was struggling with mathematics at school. With faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the help of those around her she was able to keep working hard until she was able to lift her results.

Katherine said, “This experience influenced me because it is the same situation I am in at the moment. Most of the time I would think of dropping off from school because I feel like I can’t do it, but with so much encouragement from my parents and my whole family, this helps me persevere. I have come to know with surety that with God, nothing is impossible, and I trust that He will help me with my education just like Elder Fa’alogo’s daughter, no matter the difficulties and struggles I face.”

She added, “I testify that our Heavenly Father loves us dearly. Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Redeemer. His infinite sacrifice has given us the chance to repent and to be resurrected.”

Dean Ah Chong, a bishop in the Church on the island of Savai’i, attended the devotional with several young people from his ward (congregation).


After the meeting he wrote to Elder Fa’alogo: “I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the devotional held on the 25th for the youth to hear uplifting messages from Elder and Sister Wakolo and yourself. It was a very inspiring event, and we were all edified because we felt the Spirit so strong during the whole devotional. The youth and young adults really needed this experience. To come face to face with a General Authority and to be reminded that they are beloved sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father and staying on the covenant path is the only way.”

Bishop Ah Chong continued: “These are very hard times for the youth especially the young adults. I know this because I work with them every day.”

He said that hours after the meeting he received a phone call from a young person. “I answered, and she said, ‘Bishop, I want to go on a mission.’ I replied with a question, ‘What changed? What happened?"

Bishop Ah Chong said that the young person cried, and then said, "As I was sitting and listening to Elder Wakolo demonstrating staying on the covenant path, I realised what I should do."

He said that two other young adult members of the Church told him that they had decided to also go on missions. “Their decisions also to serve missions was a result of the Spirit they felt during the devotional,” Bishop Ah Chong said.

He said that driving home from the devotional with a number of young people in his car, he asked them, "How was it?"

They responded, sharing how each of them felt different, and had a desire to change. “Some of them were holding back tears. I encouraged them to keep the fire burning.”

Images courtesy of Rudy Fata and Taleni Tufuga.

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