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Elder Ian S. Ardern and Sister Paula Ardern Return to New Zealand

They share a message with members and friends of the Church

Elder and Sister Ardern August 2024
Elder and Sister Ardern August 2024
Elder and Sister Ardern return to New Zealand after their service in the Africa Central Area Presidency.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

It is wonderful to be home and this time for good. We have taken up residence in Morrinsville and attend the Morrinsville Branch where about fifty happy Saints meet each Sunday. Remembering that it is our disposition to serve and not the position in which we serve that is of greatest importance, we have settled in well. Like so many others, we are simple servants who want to make a difference for good.

Sister Ardern and I have spent the last 13 years serving in the Philippines, at Church Headquarters, the Pacific and the Africa Central Area. Each assignment brought with it marvelous opportunities that afforded us the privilege of being witnesses to the work of the Lord rolling forth across the world.

With each move we made, we missed the places we left, but most of all, we have missed the people. To fellowship with faithful Saints, wherever we find them, is a blessing for all members. Our circumstances differ, but, our temporal and spiritual aspirations are similar.

When I was called to be a General Authority by then President Uchdorf, it was, to say the least, rather unexpected. Sister Ardern blurted out—after a moment of stunned silence—that we were just two ordinary people. He responded that God calls on ordinary people to do extraordinary things. We have seen some extraordinary things accomplished during our years of service, and much of it made possible by ordinary, faithful, committed, and courageous members of the Church.

We have thoroughly enjoyed visiting the missions of the Church. It is astounding to many in the world that young men and women choose to give their valuable time at such a young age to the preaching of the Gospel. Behind most missionaries are supportive parents and family members who have raised their children to serve with honour. As others have said before me, “You cannot put a crust on the altar of God without receiving a loaf in return," and that is what we have seen so often. Added joy has come as we saw senior couple missionaries working tirelessly for the cause of Christ. Often, we met them serving in the more remote parts of the missions, but there they were, putting aside the comforts of life and finding joy in the work.

We have served in areas where some diligent missionaries have baptized a few hundred people in a year and in areas where diligent missionaries, labouring beside helpful members, baptize thousands each year. The invitation to come unto Christ continues to be extended and obeyed by hundreds of thousands each year.

Sadly, we have noticed that no matter where you live, opposition comes. It is what prophets have spoken of over thousands of years and no less so in our day. Gladly, we have also seen the love of the Lord manifest itself in the lives of the oppressed, depressed, and blessed. We are witnesses of how the generosity of members donating money or time to the humanitarian funds of the Church has decreased the burden of hunger and disease in the lives of thousands.

We left home all those years ago with firm testimonies of the mission of Christ. We return with testimonies that have been further cemented in Him and a knowledge of the restoration of the Gospel in this dispensation. A testimony must be earned and nurtured, a duty that Sister Ardern and I have given time to each day.

Thank you for the prayers that have been offered on our behalf.


Brother and Sister Ardern

Learn more about the ministry of Elder and Sister Ardern here, here, and here.

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