News Story

Counting the Cost and Looking Ahead After Westport Floods

Residents of the New Zealand South Island town of Westport have been assessing damage to their homes and neighbourhoods since the weekend’s devastating floods.

Acording to news site "Campervans, portable homes or upgraded welfare centres are among the options being considered for hundreds of people whose homes may have been wrecked by flooding in Westport."

The article continues: "Authorities say there are 'many months of work' ahead as locals start to determine the extent of the damage to their homes and livelihoods from the wild weather event over the weekend.

"Buller mayor Jamie Cleine said the sun was shining and much of the flooding had receded on Monday, but the worst-affected areas were yet to be assessed. He expected a 'significant' number of people to be affected and 'hundreds' possibly displaced."

Two members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sought refuge in their local Church meetinghouse, and were then offered additional support from their neighbouring Salvation Army parishioners.

View from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Westport (New Zealand) meetinghouse on the weekend of 17-18 July 2021, when severe flooding impacted the area.
View from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Westport (New Zealand) meetinghouse on the weekend of 17-18 July 2021, when severe flooding impacted the area.
View from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Westport (New Zealand) meetinghouse on the weekend of 17-18 July 2021, when heavy rain and severe flooding impacted the area.© 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

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