Two officials from the Auckland City Council attended a conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday (20 March) in South Auckland.
The Chairperson of the Manurewa Local Board, Ms Angela Dalton, accompanied by fellow official, Mr Daniel Newman, attended the Sunday morning session of the Latter-day Saints’ Auckland New Zealand Redoubt Stake Conference.
Presiding at the stake conference was Latter-day Saint leader, Elder Robert J. Dudfield, from Australia.

A stake conference is a semi-annual gathering of Church members and guests which aims to strengthen families and increase faith. A Latter-day Saint stake is similar to a Catholic diocese.
Sermons and music during the conference focused on the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.
In his remarks, Elder Dudfield said, "Trust in God means that you are submitting your will to Him, trusting is His judgement and His timing."
After the conference Ms Dalton and Mr Newman told Elder Dudfield, Redoubt Stake president, Mark Green, and other Latter-day Saint leaders in attendance that they enjoyed hearing the messages shared in the meeting.
Mr Dalton said there was a “need for our communities ‘as a voice’ to effect change and improvement.”
Thoughts were also exchanged about the importance of freeing up time for families to spend together.