On Tuesday 3 October, Elder Craig A. Cardon of the Seventy and First Counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke to students at Brigham Young University—Hawaii during a campus devotional.
His message provided encouragement for facing today’s challenges and building “multi-generational faith”.

Elder Cardon’s talk was given during the university’s weekly devotional, a meeting where the entire campus gathers together to be instructed and uplifted by church and school leaders.
Elder Cardon began his address with three invitations: “Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t limit your present self to your past self. And although things are sometimes difficult and it’s hard to be happy, continue in faith and joy will come.”

Although directed towards the students of BYU Hawaii, the counsel given by Elder Cardon applies to young adults everywhere.
“Spiritual and temporal blessings will come at different times and in different ways, so gain confidence in that reality and don’t compare yourself to others. Realize that what the Lord wants you to do at this time, may not be what others are doing at the same point in their lives," he said.
He also spoke about the importance of expanding multi-generational families through generations of faithful individuals.

“A multi-generational family in the Church,” explained Elder Cardon, “begins when a son or daughter of God receives the restored gospel and endures to the end through obedience to the gospel and all of its ordinances.”
Watch his address here:
Brigham Young University—Hawaii was founded in 1955 and is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There are currently more than 2,500 students from over 70 countries studying at the university.
To read more about Elder Cardon click here.