Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in New Zealand are preparing to support a national “Super Saturday” vaccination effort this Saturday, 16 October.
Church meetinghouses in the Auckland suburbs of East Tamaki and Mangere will host “pop-up” drive-through vaccination stations.
A Ministry of Health “Busifika Vax” bus will also be on site at a Church facility in Beach Haven, North Shore to offer vaccinations to anyone who wishes to receive one.
Church members in other parts of the country will have the chance to participate in vaccination events closer to their homes.
“We encourage everyone living in New Zealand to be vaccinated,” said Elder Ian S. Ardern, Pacific Area President of the Church.
“We urge you to invite your family members to join you in being vaccinated; it is a family affair and brings an increase of safety and protection for all. Unnecessarily postponing the decision to be vaccinated increases your risk to exposure and possible accompanying health issues.”
In a letter to Church members around the world earlier this year, the First Presidency wrote: “We find ourselves fighting a war against the ravages of COVID-19 and its variants, an unrelenting pandemic. We want to do all we can to limit the spread of these viruses. We know that protection from the diseases they cause can only be achieved by immunizing a very high percentage of the population.”
The letter continued: “To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated. Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective.”
The complete letter can be read here.