Over the last several months, students at the Latter-day Saints’ Church College in Tamavua, Fiji have discovered the rewards of study and work by producing bottles of honey as part of an agriculture course.
Apenisa Beleivatu, a teacher at the school, said, “After learning about beekeeping from books they were able to put their knowledge into practical application.”
“The students were so excited to harvest the honey and to see the results of their work,” Beleivatu said.
Some of the responsibilities of one participant, Form Six student Lai Tuinamoala, included: clearing the hive entry; providing food supplements to the bees during the colder months; weeding around the hive to clear the surroundings; and checking to see if the cells were filled with honey.
The course was based on the Ministry of Education’s internal assessment requirements for learning about beekeeping. The students were responsible to practice and demonstrate beekeeping skills from establishment until harvesting.
Students studying commerce at L.D.S. Church College were also involved in the project by producing labels, marketing and selling the honey.
In total, 63 students were involved in the project.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints places great emphasis on education and self-reliance.