News Story

Building Hope for Young People Impacted by Abuse

Missionaries from the New Zealand Auckland Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints joined with others last week to provide labour and materials for a new preschool in Apia, Samoa.

The Campus of Hope is a facility that provides housing and support to victims of abuse. There are currently 80 children housed at the facility.

The new preschool building will provide a place for some of the youngest victims to begin their education in a safe environment.

Pasifika students at Rangitoto College, missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ, and local charities and businesses provided labour and materials to construct this new preschool building.

Samoa Preschool 2 Aug 2024
Samoa Preschool 2 Aug 2024
Missionaries and community volunteers loading pre-built walls for new preschool in Apia, Samoa.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Furniture for Schools Trust, and Pacific Assist also provided financial contributions.

After the pre-built walls and materials are shipped to Samoa, volunteers will assemble the building to provide a home for the preschool. The goal is to have the building completed by the end of September.

Callum Blair, Director of Pacific Assist, said, “This is all about creating educational pathways for the children.”

In addition to building the preschool, scholarships to Rangitoto College in Auckland will be offered to five of the older students from Campus of Hope who wish to further their education.

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