Communities across south-eastern Queensland and north-eastern New South Wales are beginning the process of cleaning up after days of flooding rains.
Watch a video by Queensland videographer, Ephraim Cooper. Used with permission.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are supporting emergency workers as they rescue people stranded on roofs or inside their inundated homes, by providing drinking water, baked goods and fresh fruit for those on the front line.
Many Church members are lending a hand in their own neighbourhoods with clean-up. What is being called “the big clean-up” won’t start until the rain stops and flood-waters start to recede.

Volunteers clean up after floods in Ipswich, Australia. March 2022. Image used with permission.
Volunteers clean up after floods in Ipswich, Australia. March 2022. Image used with permission.© 2022 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In some places, flood waters are receding, but in others, levels are still rising.
People are using JustServe — a community service portal maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and used by people of all faiths or of no faith affiliation — to find out where the volunteer needs are.
“We have activated the disaster recovery page on JustServe and will continue to add projects,” said Sue Owen, who, with her husband Craig, oversee JustServe in Australia.
“Much of the cleaning hasn’t begun yet because they are still releasing water from the dams. People can’t get to their homes until the water recedes. There are more storms predicted so we are in a bit of a holding pattern.”
“There are several projects where people can drop food and water to SES ( State Emergency Service) coordination centres for their volunteers,” Owen said.
According to the Church’s Queensland communication director, Kristie Gibson, “members of the Church are also working within their congregations to identify needs and help families and individuals.”
“Some places are cut off because of flood waters, and there are power outages, as well as many homes which have been flooded.”
Notwithstanding the challenges, Gibson says that “people are cheery, they’re checking in, they’re pulling together and looking after each other.”
Nicole Lologa, a Church member from western Brisbane, said, “As of this morning we are being hit with another storm said to have dangerous hailstorms so we’ll have to wait and see how we come out of it. We are ok and our family is well. I’m so grateful for the gospel because I don’t need to fear, we will be ok no matter what happens.”
Queensland Church leader, Elder Carl Maurer, said, "President Russell M. Nelson has taught us that it is 'a covenantal obligation to care for the poor and needy.' When we help to relieve suffering and care of others we are truly loving the Lord and our fellowman. It is so good to see so many who are willing to help others."