News Release

Australian Family Feature in the Ensign

Australian couple, Hazel and Richard Egan, feature in this month's edition of the Ensign, a worldwide publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The article begins, "She wanted a church founded on faith in Jesus Christ, one that required sacrifice and daily commitment. So far, no church stood up to her scriptural tests."

It continues: "Hazel Egan was not looking for just any church where she could be comfortable. 'I wanted to be baptized into the true church,' she says. 'I didn't want just a Sunday church.'"

"But where could she find this religious organization? A student of the scriptures, Hazel had looked into different Christian faiths and found none that matched her criteria. She wondered if it might be impossible to find the true church she sought. Then one day in 1992, missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints knocked on her door in Sydney, Australia."

Read the full article here.


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