Almost three hundred members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints raised their voices Easter Sunday joining the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in a recorded presentation of the Handel's Messiah, including the famous Hallelujah Chorus.
Church leader, Jason Joseph, told the assembled congregation, "You have responded to an invitation from our leaders to celebrate the life and mission of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and you will be blessed for being here."
Anthony Unasa, who begins missionary service to Cote d' Ivoire, Africa, on June 7, said he came to the performance because "I was invited by the Spirit of the Lord."
A young woman, recently returned from serving a mission, Esther Key, said she came "because it's Easter and to remember the Saviour's Atonement."

The choir of the Samoa Apia Central Stake (a group of congregations) practiced before watching an hour long portion of Handel's Messiah concluding with the Hallelujah Chorus.
Since March 23 when the Tabernacle Choir perfomed it live, congregations throughout the Pacific and around the world have joined with the Choir this Easter season celebrating in song the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir's website notes "Since 2014, the Choir and Orchestra have performed Messiah at Easter time every two years in the Tabernacle and live streamed the concert over the internet to audiences around the world."