News Release

A Marvelous Journey of Faith and Discovery 

Amidst the tranquil beauty of the Pacific, Sitita Hamilton Vaenuku, the newly crowned Miss Heilala, has emerged as an example of faith and grace.  

Born and nurtured on the serene island of ‘Eua in Tonga, Sitita's story serves as a testament to the profound influence of faith, family, and the community. 

A cherished daughter of Sela and Uasi Vaenuku, Sitita, the second among four siblings, was blessed to witness her family's conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 2006. Drawn by the example of missionaries who extended their kindness to surrounding neighbours and eventually to their own home, the Vaenuku family embraced the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and were all baptized into the Church. 

After completing her studies at Liahona High School in 2017, Sitita was called to serve a mission to Maceio, Brazil. Unbeknownst to her, this journey would eventually be extended to three years and five months, finishing in the New Zealand Auckland Mission, an experience that would shape her character and deepen her connection to diverse cultures. 

Upon her return to Tonga, Sitita found purpose and fulfillment within the sacred walls of the Nuku'alofa Tonga Temple, where she faithfully served as an administration assistant, contributing to the sanctity of the Lord's House. 

Yet, it is in her path to becoming Miss Heilala 2023, that Sitita's spiritual journey was most glowingly revealed. From humble beginnings in her local Eua Pageant, where she was called to represent her village as Miss Fata’ulua, Sitita took the invitation to the Lord through fervent prayer in the Temple.  

She felt a confirmation through the promptings of the Spirit, a resolute assurance that participating in the pageant was a divine opportunity to share, not so much her beauty, but the gospel of Jesus Christ, and how much it has impacted her life. 

Through the Miss Heilala Pageant, Sitita's faith and virtue became a beacon of inspiration. Amidst the glitz and glamour, she stood as a steadfast symbol of modesty and individual worth, adorning herself in attire that echoed her standards and personal value.  

She often found herself referencing gospel doctrines and principles and always turning to her Heavenly Father for guidance, especially on what to say during interviews. Her faith was confirmed when she won both the pre-pageant and on-stage interviews.  

Her heart was also enriched with newfound talents and self-discovery during her pageant journey. Her dedication and unwavering resolve manifested in becoming second in the Tau'olunga (dance) category, a testament to her willingness to heed constructive feedback and the nurturing power of steady growth. 

Sitita's mission experience played an integral role in her journey, as well, as she found confidence in her identity and embraced her authenticity. The challenge of learning a new language and sharing profound truths with the people of Brazil fortified her self-assurance, serving as a powerful foundation for her success.  

For her pageant talent, she presented a scene depicting a flight attendant arriving on the island of Eua, performed in four different languages. Her performance garnered her second place for talent.  

As she reflects upon her remarkable journey, Sitita extends her spiritual insights to the young women and single adults of the Church. She believes that embracing one's individual worth as a beloved daughter of a Heavenly Father is the cornerstone of self-assurance and authenticity.  

Amidst the clamour of societal trends and the scrutiny of social media, Sitita said the only approval she was seeking was her Heavenly Father’s. What a beautiful thought from a faithful servant of God.  

Now with her new obligation to her country, Sitita will be happily working with the Ministry of Tourism during her reign as Miss Heilala with hopes that she will inspire young girls to follow a similar path and have the wonderful experiences she has had in this journey.  

Contributing Writer: Frances Satini 

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